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Everything posted by TedM

  1. Thank you for your suggestions. I am all for busting, but I have no clue as to where to begin. I am still reading through the forums and I am learning every minute. Thank you for the link to the documentary. I have been looking for it since yesterday. I just returned from my son's freshman football game. They won, but I had an attack in the middle of the game, so I went to sit and cry in agony in my truck for an hour. I was able to return to see the last 2 minutes of the game. All your help has given me so much hope, thanks again.
  2. Wow! If I had only found you guys sooner. . . . I really hope the imitrex I have been taking hasn't harmed me too bad. Thank you so much for responding so quickly. I read up on the vitamin D regime and I have elected to try it. I was able to find an o2 tank and regulator for purchase, but my doctor's assistant says the doctor cannot prescribe oxygen until I see another doctor. (if only he knew what I am going though) I called the welding company where I purchase oxygen for work and they told me that they cannot fill an o2 tank for medicinal purposes without a prescription. Would the oxygen from the cutting torch be harmful? Again, thank you so much for this information.
  3. I will never forget August 2nd 1997. It was about 5:30 PM and my wife, of six months, and I were getting ready to attend the wedding of a good friend, when I started feeling a strange pulsating sensation on my right temple. I continued to get ready, assuming it would go away but I ended up in the ER about an hour later. I was scared. I had never felt what I felt that day. I think everyone here has heard the stories. Every year after that I have had the attacks every Augusts for about 2 weeks with the exception of last year. I was cluster free for 2013! I was ecstatic, till 3 weeks ago. I am going on 18 days with 2 attacks per day, one at 3:00 AM and another at noon. I am 42 and I don't drink and I don't smoke. I don't think that I stress easy and I am not overworked. I own a small business and I feel my family and I live a relatively good life. When I first saw a doctor, he was clueless, but he prescribed the imitrex injections. I have been on imitrex since the beginning. The problem is the doctor can prescribe only a certain amount at a time. I quickly learned to take the medication and make two doses out of one. My doctor thought that type of medication could be harmful, so he prescribed Zomig nasal this year. As you all may know, its $300 for 6 doses. The nasal sprays are effective, only if I snort one on the onset. The problem is at night. By the time the pain wakes me up, its too late for any medication to work. Although I do not wish this condition on anyone, sometimes I feel like my doctor should have a CH for just 10 minutes so he can have an idea of what we go through. I have not had any side effects with the injections. How dangerous are they? I have been prescribed 6MG injections, but 3MG will thwart the attack. As far as the Zomig nasal sprays, they work and I don't have any side effects to that either, just the bad taste of the medicine in the back of my throat, so why do they recommend you don't take more than 2 5mg within 24 hours? Is that drug dangerous? I am afraid that my two week per year cycle of attacks is getting longer. I have learned so much here, especially about the O2. After a full blown attack, I have a headache as if my head is sore from the pain. Any suggestions to relieve the pain of an aftereffect headache? Can anyone suggest home remedies or ways to deal with the pain when no medication or O2 is available? I read a post here of some stretching exercises, such as yoga or neck stretching, that actually worked a couple times. I am so happy that I found you guys.
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