Hello World is eternal :-)
If you can get DIY CNC machine workin properly this kind of stuff should be easy. I'm no expert programmer, I just use stuff like VBS and Powershell for my work. I looked at building a CNC once as I wanted to use it to make PCBs, but it would need to be very accurate so I decided to wait till I had a good excuse to splurge on a ready made one. Still waiting.
Yes, the shields are just extra electronics on a PCB that is sized to fit straight on top of the Arduino board, saves some wiring work. BTW, there are many diferent types of boards. Most boards like the Uno have connectors for experimentation, but if you are not worried about soldering you can get a tiny Arduino Nano clone for around 5$. Same programming etc, just smaller.
I may actually be interested in some controllers, I will be in the US in a couple of weeks time... What type are they?
@Weatherman: thanks for the compliment :-)
I did look for a dehydrator shortly, but they seem to be thin on the gournd here in the Netherlands. I could probably have found one for less than I paid for my components but I had that stuff lying around anyway and I liked the idea of using the heating (it was winter) in my home already. Also, I read somewhere that some of the dehydrators get too hot for shrooms but I guess it worked for you. It certainly looks a lot less messy than my project :-)
As I have made this, I was thinking of desiging something to keep my growing kits at perfect temperature and humidity as well. If only I could control the sun with Arduino....
If there are people really interested in this stuff I could potentially write a full manual etc. It is not hard but then I'm a computer guy, I'm used to this stuff. I reckon with a good search for components I could halve the cost, and could potentially preprogram boards for people. Like I said, it was a bit of fun for me, and also I did watch the whole setup like a hawk the first day I had it running, waiting for the smell of burning chips or something catching fire ;-)