Alley, I do read read read! I'm not blindly trusting my doctor to solve my CH, though like I said, I'm in good hands and I respect his opinion immensely. Every time I have an appointment, and frequently in-between, I send him new information I've found on my own. I'm actually going to have genetic testing done with my psychiatrist, too. Apparently he's recently started getting into it. I don't follow it all completely, but basically some people's bodies just process certain medications very differently which can be shown in the testing and, depending on that, can safely be on much higher (or lower) doses of medications than others. He gave me an example and the way he put it was one of his patients had it done and he found that his metabolism just chewed up Lithium and it was wearing off and causing him dips in stability (prescribed for Bipolar in this case), so he was able to fix the dose based on that. I know that's sort of a roundabout explanation and that's the next thing I need to do my own reading on; Pysch just brought it up during my most recent appointment and thought it was something to consider it since there's a chance I could give some of the medications I've already tried another shot if it comes out my body is a bit whacked.
Jeebs, like I said, haven't ruled out anything and won't rule out anything... I'll do anything I think will help. It would be hard to separate the calcium and verap by that long right now since I take the verap 4x a day. I don't hear much about Neurontin over on the board, either, though I've been through all of the more popular choices with little help. For a little while, the verap helped a lot. I was getting maybe 1-2 headaches a week which for me, is brilliant. It only lasted about 2 months though. This high cycle started while still on that high dose of verap so I don't think it's doing much for me anymore. I actually have very severe insomnia as well and have to take an extremely expensive sleep medication that my insurance just decided to stop paying for briefly, the shitheads. It took me about 3 weeks to sort it out, and for 3 weeks I was catching maybe 2 hours of sleep every 4 days. Lack of sleep is one of my number one triggers for attacks (i.e., lack of sleep the night before almost guarantees a rough day) and I was sleeping so little every day was a rough day and then it turned into a full-fledged high cycle. I was able to beat insurance back into covering it, but even once I got it back and was sleeping okay again the headaches didn't go away.
And yes, I went up to 2400mg of Neurontin myself about a week ago but it hasn't helped as of yet... doc said he can go up to 3600 if needed. We'll see. As I said, this is my first DHE infusion so there's always a chance it will help. I just can't help but having very little faith that anything will help right now after really running through the gamut. Trying to keep my chin up, though...