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Everything posted by zipzip

  1. Hi all, Newbie here. As I don't know the forum ettiquitte I will be as discrete as possible. I am now entering my 12th straight month of CH. I guess i'm officially chronic after a few years of being episodic. The frequency and intensity of the headaches are also much worse than previous episodes. The skinny, one of my (numerous) doctors has advised me that he has patients that have done very well with Sid. I've exhausted all of my contacts trying to find Sid, or the fun guys he hangs out with. If anyone can help locate either one of them for me, I would be most graciously appreciated. I am 33, and from NY City. I hung out with Sid and the fun guys when I was younger, so I know how deep they roll Thank in advance. And more importantly, I send sincere wishes of good health and happiness for everyone. Stay strong, Zip
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