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  1. Thank you CHFather! You are so kind. He is a welder so getting oxygen is not a problem. I went back into the bedroom after my post and he had gotten over the worst of it. I messaged his neck and around the back if his ears and he said it made him feel better. I will do my best to have him get involved in this group. I think because it has been several years since he has had this type of headache he has let the epipen lapse and has not replenished his oxygen. He mentioned he thought he was going to be sick...dies that iliviate some of the pain? It is very difficult to get him to go to the doctors. I think he is mad that this happens to him if that makes sense to you. I will get some of the v8 drinks you have mentioned as I don't think he would drink the other types of energy drinks. He knows if he told me to leave him alone I wouldn't feel upset by that. I want to do whatever he wants to make him as comfortable as I can. Like I said that was the first time I have witnessed this first hand and I just felt so sad for him. He is such a hard worker and this absolutely debilitated him in a matter of a few minutes!
  2. My boyfriend told me he has cluster headaches and has explained how he feels when they occur. I have not witnessed in in the 4 years we have been dating until tonight. It was very scary! He told me previously he has used oxygen and/or some type of epipen. He has neither of those things presently as he hasn't had this happen in several years, is there anything I can do for him to help ease the pain? I tried the pressure point at the base of his skull and an ice pack to his forehead. It seemed to help some. I just don't know if it's best to leave him alone or not? I felt helpless and sad that he was in so much pain. Any input would be great. Thank you.
  3. My boyfriend just had a cluster headache. He explained to me what it was like but this was the first time I have witnessed it. It was very scary. Is there anything I can do to help him feel better?

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