hello everyone.
i just registered because i am trying to do some research. i am sorry if this is the completely wrong place to post this and if this is not allowed, but i feel i need some answers.
four weeks ago i got an emergency appointment with my doctor because i had had a red eye for a week and i was very sensitive to light and looking at anything bright would send a shooting pain through my head. moving my eye hurt, and i occasionally would get headaches on the right side of my head. the doctor was a question mark after he tested everything neurological and he sent me straight up to the emergency room where they admitted me, took more neurological tests, blood tests, urine/stool samples and eventually a CAT scan. that same night i needed to have a spinal tap and all these tests were completely fine. i stayed overnight and i got put on oxygen in the morning when i had an "attack", which did not help. then the pain just went away, and they diagnosed me with cluster headaches i luckily had my friend with me and she commented on the fact that my eye had been constantly red throughout the week, when as i understand it, the redness should go away between attacks if it is in fact cluster headaches. i then got checked by an eye doctor and he looked at it and said that i had iridocyclitis. they then said there were some inconsistencies with my diagnoses, and said that there was a good chance i had both cluster headaches and iridocyclitis. i got sent home with eye drops and an eye cream that i was put on for three weeks. the pain disappeared the same night i started those, except for small pains in and around my eye occasionally.
long story short - i got diagnosed with cluster headaches and then iridocyclitis and then the possibility of having both. pain went away.
last night i had the same exact pain again, and my eye turned slightly red, just as before. i talked to my doctor who sent me to the eye doctor, who confirmed that there was no sign of the iridocyclitis anymore, and that i then most likely have cluster headaches.
my questions are, as i understand it the pain is unbearable during an attack if it is in fact cluster headaches? i have looked around and tried finding stuff on the internet and it seems a million times worse than what i have. my eye/sometimes head just hurts when i look at light, and i occasionally get headaches but those are all over, and not localized to one side of the head. i also, like i said, was put on oxygen in the hospital but that had little to no effect on me. granted, cluster headaches can be "mild", but i would say the spinal tap i had was more painful than my "attacks". i should also say that i have no visual problems during these "attacks".
i am just at a loss and do not know whether i have it or not. if anyone could shed just a little bit of light and share some experiences i would be so so so grateful!