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  1. Your husband is very lucky to have someone who cares about him so much. Its great youre researching releif for him. Im sure its hard to see someone you love in the pain of a ch. I was first prescribed the sumatriptan pills which were completely ineffective and switched the spray which is very effective. I wanted the shot but my doctor is reluctant prescribe it due to past addictions. I told her I'm only concerned with stopping the pain. I am currently looking for a specialist because I am recently diagnosed even though I am a long time sufferer. Topiramate has been extremely successful for the first two weeks I took it but since Friday I have been under attack using 2/6 sprays that I just got. I don't pussy foot it with the spray, I need to be hurting to use it. I went almost 2 weeks without a headache which was making me feel very hopeful because since March it's been terrible. I forgot a dose or two of the topiramate on thursday/friday. Can that trigger headaches? Today was such a bad day I hate the way I feel after wards. I'm so tired I can't get the remote to turn the TV on. I'm too tired to walk my dog which depresses me more. I really need to get an oxygen setup as you should as well. The pain relief is well worth the money as its a super safe treatment if it's effective for your husband. Sorry to turn my reply into a rant and questions. Have a great evening -daniel
  2. My gp was the one who wrote the tablet script but she wanted to write it for spray but she wanted to make sure I'd get medication that evening without insurance Hassell. I'm pretty sure it didn't help. About 2 hours after I took it and my first attack receded, a second more powerful attack crippled me for about half an hour and then gone. I called my insurance to see if they cover oxygen for ch but I think I got a moron rep because I'm pretty sure she marked it as equipment because she they would cover 50% after I hit my 4k deductible. This cluster that started 2 weeks is relentless and causing stress and fear. My boss didn't get what the fuss about a headache was all about when I was aggressive, barely able to talk and inconpactitated during a phone call to find out why I was late with a delivery. I had to instead of hiding during an attack have my gI'll friend drive me in so he could see first hand what the fuss is all about. The good news is he has seen what the fuss is about and is off my case. I am planning on getting an welding oxygen setup asap. Any advice? I know they sell a specific mask to use, a non-rebreather.
  3. My gp was the one who wrote the tablet script but she wanted to write it for spray but she wanted to make sure I'd get medication that evening without insurance Hassell. I'm pretty sure it didn't help. About 2 hours after I took it and my first attack receded, a second more powerful attack crippled me for about half an hour and then gone. I called my insurance to see if they cover oxygen for ch but I think I got a moron rep because I'm pretty sure she marked it as equipment because she they would cover 50% after I hit my 4k deductible. This cluster that started 2 weeks is relentless and causing stress and fear. My boss didn't get what the fuss about a headache was all about when I was aggressive, barely able to talk and inconpactitated during a phone call to find out why I was late with a delivery. I had to instead of hiding during an attack have my gI'll friend drive me in so he could see first hand what the fuss is all about. The good news is he has seen what the fuss is about and is off my case. I am planning on getting an welding oxygen setup asap. Any advice? I know they sell a specific mask to use, a non-rebreather.
  4. Long time ch sufferer with a recent diagnosis. I have so much to say but mainly I'm just so happy to have found people whom understand not the "oh I get migraines, I know the pain". I just got my diagnosis (finally received to know but scared for the future) and I'm starting imitrex tabs but I'm not sure if they made things worse yesterday morning when I had a nightmare of a nightmare of a night/morning. Any advice to a newly diagnosed individual? I am certainly going to get oxygen. I'm from Connecticut, anyone else around me?
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