My gp was the one who wrote the tablet script but she wanted to write it for spray but she wanted to make sure I'd get medication that evening without insurance Hassell. I'm pretty sure it didn't help. About 2 hours after I took it and my first attack receded, a second more powerful attack crippled me for about half an hour and then gone.
I called my insurance to see if they cover oxygen for ch but I think I got a moron rep because I'm pretty sure she marked it as equipment because she they would cover 50% after I hit my 4k deductible.
This cluster that started 2 weeks is relentless and causing stress and fear. My boss didn't get what the fuss about a headache was all about when I was aggressive, barely able to talk and inconpactitated during a phone call to find out why I was late with a delivery. I had to instead of hiding during an attack have my gI'll friend drive me in so he could see first hand what the fuss is all about. The good news is he has seen what the fuss is about and is off my case.
I am planning on getting an welding oxygen setup asap. Any advice? I know they sell a specific mask to use, a non-rebreather.