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  1. Any ome could have them I guess awful things to have
  2. I will Try like I said earlier in my post I have expectations of this cycle and it differs from others I knew I had three days of peace from them but I new they would come back with a vengeance today was the typical example three days of peace 24 hours of hell which do I prefer ? well even though I have peace for three days in had peace it' was the best three days of this cycle today was a day from hell but when u even the odds I guess I Hav to take one day out of three a blessing bastards these headaches well today I decided to her drunk and take the consequences with it it's not going to rule my life I dnt drink I don't do nothing I shouldn't and today I decided I'd be a fool and take the chance of being a delinquent I'll let you no how it feels later on ha ha sorry but I'm peed off tonight of its not my work or my kids controlling my life so is these friggen headaches well pissoff ch Iv had enough of you's aswell so do ur worse I'll still. Be here the mora sorry guys but this is me having a downfall tonight and dnt care pffffttrtttt
  3. What is 5-hour energy drinks ? I'd rather try anything than take pills to be honest as we all know long term pills cnt be good for any one Iv not had an attack for three days now dnt no if it's down to what in taking but still have a headache lingering all day long but at least it's bearable and I can function .. But in the same breath I keep thinking this might be the calm before the storm and they will start again it's the dreading of the return makes me anxious X
  4. Thanks chfarther u been a great help I'm reading more about these ch on here having a more understanding of what I should do Iv also learned I will not let my doctor or any one else fob me off any more either . I rang my doctor on Thursday as Iv been using zomig for the past two days and he was pretty much reluctant to give me any more I ended up in a bit of a battle with him I demanded I had them as it worked for the fist night and I just wanted to make sure I had more in my possession to help me get through this also with the steroid tablets the neurologist give me Iv not had no pain for the last two days ( fingers crossed ) in the past I popped I dnt no how many pills at once in one go codiene . Tramadol . Paracetamol anything that would basically knock me out when I think about it now I could of done some damage to myself .. It's annoying when doctors really just don't care about what your going through. As you no these pains are horrific itching I have encountered in my life .. I just want my life back taking time off work which I never do . I live in my own with two small children and when the attacks come I have to go in my bedroom out the way of my kids cause u see they are scared and confused and want to help me bless there cotton socks I hope some of these thing might help aswell in pleased I have found this sight makes m feel as though I'm not alone anymore so a big thank you to you's all x
  5. Thanks for your replies I'm back at docs on Monday see where i go from there I will try other things and I'll read more up on the things you have suggested neurologist that I seen 2 years ago also suggested me taking some tablet every day for life to stop these coming back I was reluctant because I dnt even like taking paracetamol but I guess mayb that could be a good idea rather than having these ever again but also try these others that has been suggested also before I committ myself to permanently using some thing for life
  6. I had these for about ten years now on and off come every two years last episode lasted six months this started again five weeks ago Iv had oxygen didn't work for me . Differnt sumatriptan tables . Injections they work for the one episode but doesn't last seen a neurologist two days ago give me steroids for a week I'm currently using the nasal spray which helps a bit with the breathing technic I do but having six attacks a day is exausting and I get the shadow headache after the attacks stop which is annoying wish they would just not come back at all
  7. Feel like going crazy with these headaches . No sleep exhausted . Cnt function all the time at home or at work .. Absolutely petrified and waiting for the next attack drives me crazy aswell I just want a good nights sleep im pleased I found this site now I know I'm Not alone in this cause no one fully understands the extent of this it's as though people think I over do it ppffttt I wish . Has any one actually had anything that has worked for them ?
  8. What meds have u tried so far ? And my heart goes out to u and every other sufferer they are the worse pain iv experienced in my life but no one fully understands the extent of it
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