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Everything posted by bdoyle021

  1. CHfather i will ask my doctor about the indometh to see if that may help. During my nighttime attacks I do want to get up and move, tho sometimes I have layed there and curled into a ball waitin for a pass. I haven't had a real attack in a couple days which is good news, still random ice pick jabs in the eye and a pretty much constant headache all day.
  2. CHfather, yes 10mg of melatonin a night.it is very difficult for me to sleep. I sleep for an hour then wake up then another hour and wake up. generally I feel best in the mornings, I still do have a pain in my eye which isn't terrible but it is annoying. I am nervous and not sure what to do, I am down to my last pill of predisone. I feel like it did help but everywhere I read people say sometimes the ch comes back once the taper is over. Maybe it's just a waiting game now, I've already gone through 2 predisone tapers but the first one was a very low dose. I also had an occipital nerve block which may or may not have helped. I have an Mri tomorrow but have to wait 2 weeks to see my neuro again, it stinks it takes so long to schedule an appointment! Today would be my third time doing the d3 regiment. at this point I'm not sure what else to do. I think I'll stick with this. If not ch, what other painful one sided attacks are there? Like I said, no symptoms of runny eye or sinus nasal discharge. Just the pain in my eye brow, eye area which spreads to my temple and other parts of my left side.
  3. Yeah I'm not sure. Ch father, the doc had a hunch it was cluster headaches due to the one sided pain and the fact that I was woken up every night at 230 with pain on only one side.
  4. Thanks CHfather, I actually Just asked him a few questions over there. I think I have the wrong magnesium, Mine says magnesium oxide he states it should be magnesium maleate or citrate. My throat feels a little weird after taking the supplements. And my headache seems to had gotten worse. I'm gonna stick it out tho I'm out of preds and have to wait two weeks to see my neuro.
  5. I am going to talk to my neuro about oxygen and get a blood test as well. The thing about my headaches is I don't get the red puffy eye or any symptoms really, Just the pain behind me eye. Anyone else not show symptoms?
  6. I am finished with my pred taper and still have a dull achy headache, have not been getting hard hits. I still have not gotten more then a few hours of sleep for the past few weeks either. Today I started the d3 I'm wondering if the vitamin d3 I bought is right. It says (cholecalciferol) on the bottom under vitamin d3 iu is this the right stuff. I followed batches instructions about trying one then going on to the 50000 iu per day for a week( I'm going to try the 2 week regiment) before getting on the 100000 iu per day. I bought the magnesium as well as fish oil and all other supplies. Hoping this works!! Could someone tell me if the solgar brand is the right stuff, I think I attached a picture correctly on here.
  7. Thank you CHfather for your timely response! Surg, I am on 60mg taper of pred for 12 days. I am down to my last day or two. The attacks are not severe but I do have a dull achy headache all day. I am going to buy the needed vitamins for the d3 regimen tomorrow. So 45 days was how long your cycle seems to last? How many cycles do you normally average a year?? I cannot afford the nasal spray or injections I was prescribed so hopefully the preds help dull these attacks I am doing a lot of research to hopefully kick this beast ass in the future. My birthday is May 25th. My first attack was April 6th. Hopefully I can beat it by then, being an artist and designer it's tough not being able to draw or look at the computer for this long!! Just trying to ride my bike to keep myself occupied. The community of cluster sufferers is very supportive, I thank you all.
  8. Hi CH father I'm looking for the buster section. Could you possibly link me ?
  9. I am 3.5 weeks into my first ever cycle. Luckily I live in buffalo New York, with one of the best neurological initiates in the world and was able to seek fast diagnosis and help. I have been on the predisone for over a week. As I seen myself off I feel the headaches are starting to come back? How long do these rebound headaches normally last? I have been having panic attacks like I might have chronic ch. I am wondering if it is possible to Only have one cluster period your whole life? My doc says it has happened before but has Anyone here only have one cluster period??
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