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  1. I was told 6 years ago that I have cluster headaches. While doing research I find that there is another headache much like cluster headaches but one big difference. They respond well with indomethacin. These headaches are far more common in women and the cause is unknown. I guess my question is would any of you try this medication to see if it works and maybe I was diagnosed wrongly? I'm thinking about trying it out and if it works then I know. It said that a lot of doctors get these 2 confused. Maybe that's why mine are during the day and my headaches come on fall or summer?
  2. Does anyone experience nausa with their CH? This is new for me.
  3. Thanks guys! I was just curious. What is prednisone?
  4. Just curious as to what everyone's shortest cycle has been?
  5. I contacted my doc today about asking for o2 (she has been my doctor since before I had my CH) anyway, some returned my phone call and said "what is o2 gonna help with?" I nicely asked her if she had any idea what cluster headaches was and she didn't answer, she then told me that she couldn't get me an apt for another month and "if it gets to bad go to the ER" with anger I told her I would find another doctor and hung up. How can you be a nurse and not know these things? I'm so upset. I will spend tomorrow looking for a new doctor.
  6. Thank you! Have you been using these for awhile or have you just started experimenting with them? I always can tell when I will be hit with one and they are almost always at the same time. I've never drank energy drinks so I hope I react okay to them! Thank you so much!
  7. I will be new to trying the 5 hour energy for my CH. Has anyone had "crashing" headaches from it? I just want to know what I should expect from it.
  8. Hi guys, I was cluster free yesterday but as you can guess it returned today. Lasting about 30 minutes. So, with the 5 hour energy has anyone gotten multiple headaches after taking one? Until I get my o2 I will be relying on these things.
  9. I started my new sleeping pattern last night and I will continue to go by it until I know I am in remission. The first few attacks I had during this cycle was spaced out by a week or more at a time. I will be very happy to get my o2!
  10. Thank you so much for the information! I will definitely try the 5 hour energy! I tried that preventive but it caused some weird side effects. Does anyone on here know if it's normal to have them spaced out? Every cycle that I have had was always a repetitive one so I'm sure why they are spacing out now? I have seen the things about busting and I am trying to prep myself for that.
  11. Also, I wanted to ask if you guys ever "sleep in" do you think it makes your CH worse?
  12. Hi all! Unfortunately I'm not using anything at the moment. They just started back up about a month ago and the fist 6 attacks was spaced out so I thought they would go away. Silly me.. I was going to get the injections but they are far too expensive so I will be using the pill come tomorrow. My doctor is also writing me a prescription for o2. I took melatonin last night to help me set a good sleeping schedule and it helped some. The doctor I seen yesterday gave me a prescription for pain pills and told me to get thru the weekend with these. I can't take 5 hour energy due to heart rhythm issues but I do remember that last time I had my cycle I took excedrin migraine and it has a ton of caffeine in it and they help wonders! I am totally opposite from most with CH, I get mine after 2-3 hours of being awake. So as soon as my eyes would open I would take of them caffein pills. I'm really excited to get the oxygen and try it out. I feel like this cycle is much worse in certain ways. I have to go to work now and explain to everyone why my eye is draining and I look like I've been thru and back. Thanks guys for all the help!
  13. Hi, 20 year old woman with CH. I've had them for 6 years now. My cycle started back up after being in remission for almost 2 years. How do you guys cope with the pain at work?? What do I tell my boss? I can't just stop what I'm doing for an hour to go cry in the bathroom. Also, have you guys noticed any difference in sensitivity in the eyes one cycle from another?
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