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Everything posted by Nilesdevinney

  1. Mit, that actually seems to be the case because I had one on Tuesday that was on the opposite side and really bad and I haven't had one since. Fingers crossed!
  2. So I went to the doctors. Got my zomig and verapamil refilled. He also prescribed me celexa to take daily, which is an anti depressant. Has anyone ever been prescribed this for CH? I'm probably not going to take it. As far as the O2 goes he referred me to a neurologist to talk to about that. So hopefully that gets me somewhere.
  3. I will definitely have to try the ginger trick! The dull lingering pain is super annoying but much better than the actual headache I suppose. I cut hair for a living so if I'm cutting hair with the dull lingering pain it just takes away from my concentration. I was seeing a neurologist a couple of years ago but since then I have moved and haven't seen another one since. My neurologist before diagnosed me with CH. I do get the runny nose and my eye waters on whatever side the headache is on. It switches back and forth. 9 times out of 10 the headache is out the right side of my head but sometimes it switches to the left. When I get the headache I usually try to lay down but sometimes I just end up rolling around in bed and can't lay still. Once I feel it coming on its usually full force within a couple of minutes. Typically last from about 30 mins - 2 hours but on occasion longer. I'm going to see a doctor today so I'm looking forward to getting my meds back and trying to get him to prescribe me O2! Wish me luck. How much do oxygen tanks typically cost through a doctor? Thanks again for all the input guys! Niles
  4. I'm currently out of my meds but am going to the doctor on Thursday. I take verapamil daily and zomig nasal spray as an abortive. They both seem to work for me pretty well. But I'm definitely going to try and talk to my doctor about the O2 option. Especially after reading about how well it's worked for other people that suffer from CH!
  5. First off, I'm new here. Extremely happy to find this page. I've been having CH for about 4 years now. Ive been doing a lot more of my own research on them lately than I ever have before. How long does everyone's usually last when they get one? I've read that most people only get them for 30-90 minutes. Sometimes I get them for up to 4 hours. Yesterday I had one for 5 hours and then had a lingering dull pain for the rest of the day until I went to bed. I've had this happen a couple times before. Is this something that has happened to others? Does anyone get CH and migraines? I've been drinking monster energy drinks when I feel a CH coming on because I noticed it sometimes helps. When I found this site a couple days ago I read a lot of people use 5 hour energy. I drank one of those yesterday when I felt my headache coming on and it did nothing. I'm wondering if it's because I got a migraine and not a CH? Thanks for any input! Niles
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