Hello, Anita
Your testimony brought me to tears cause I am also a spouse of a terrific guy that suffers from CH, so really girl, I get you... I can identify with your need to help and doing something about it. My heart truly breaks everytime I see him go through a crisis.
What I have done, and that it isnt really different from what you suggest, is being there with him and backing up his decisions. For example; he decided that he wanted to try out mushrooms after a long medical treatment that didnt worked for him, so I stand by him in every decision that he has made. If he decides that he wants to go back to regular meds I will also be by his side.
I believe most importantly is to trust that he knows his dissease and his body and he will make the right choices for him. You can do, as I do: read about new treatments, contact the best doctors and make this information available to him but ultimatly he is going to choose. So we can only accept and reséct that.
Sometime I feel the desire of doing something more...Maybe here in México ( were I live) a support group, a non profit organization, a fund raise so more people can be aware of this dissease... So lets see if that happens in the near future. Maybe you, and other spouses/ fathers/ sisters/mothers can joy in.
Lots of love and support for you...