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Everything posted by SaltLife

  1. An update on the Nurtec. I was prescribed 75mg’s and eight tablets for the month. I took one Tuesday because the website said it’s a abortive and preventative medication. When I got a ch later that night it felt much more manageable 4/10 and felt similar to when I received a nerve block years ago. I could still feel it but much duller than before. The next day I got another attack like the one before(manageable) and took a nurtec and was back to normal within thirty minutes. Thursday I felt fine all day long until when I was going to bed, I felt it coming but it wasn’t that bad. I took some migraine medicine and fell right asleep. Today I felt fine until midday and got a bad attack 8/10. Took the Nurtec but I think it was already to late as it didn’t help and ended up using another shot. I’m not sure if the Nurtec has worn off because I didn’t take anything Thursday and that’s why I got another bad ch. My insurance only covers eight pills of the Nurtec a month so I don’t know how much longer I will be on it but I feel like it did take the edge off for a couple days and gave me a break for the shots. Hope this helps anyone that had questions.
  2. Thank you so much for the suggestions. I will make an appointment with a cardiologist ASAP. Chfather, I will start the D3 regime again. I tried it years ago with no success but I’m willing to try anything at this point. My doc also prescribed me nurtec because I have been using a sumatriptan shot daily for the last week and he was concerned about the side effects/ rebound headaches. Thanks again for the replies, this forum is a wealth of information.
  3. Been dealing with cluster headaches for over 20 years and the last cycle was two years ago. At that time I requested to be put on verapamil for prevention. My doc prescribed me 40mg twice a day. My cycle ended but I believe I was already at the end of the cycle when I started the verapamil. The cluster headaches have come back recently and I have been reading about the dosage MG’s and came across an article that people used 40mg’s in the morning then 80mg’s in the afternoon and another 80mg’s before bed with success. So my question is how much mg’s is everyone taking for prevention?
  4. The sumatriptan is tablets. I've tried getting the injections but have had issues with insurance covering it. I was wondering if the nerve block prolonged my cycle?
  5. I was diagnosed with ch's earlier this year after having them for the last fifteen years or so. I've been in a cycle basically this whole year. Since seeing a neurologist in January I was prescribed sumatriptan for abortive and depakote for preventative. Sumatriptan helped at first but eventually it started losing its effectiveness, depakote did nothing. In may I was given a nerve block shot to the left side of my head and that worked for about a month and a half. Around July the ch's came back to the right side this time and haven't left. I recently found this forum and have been prescribed O2 and started the d3. So my question is I've tried busting the past couple of weeks with mm's(been medicine free beforehand) and although I've been ch free I'm still feeling shadows on both sides of my head now. Do I need to try dosing again? Also my neurologist has me scheduled for another nerve block shot next week, will this mess with me trying to bust?
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