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Posts posted by paininthebrain

  1. For me, migraine start out with a dull headache about a 4 behind my right eye and it seems to be connected to the base of my skul at the neck. When I have Cluster events along with a migraine it goes from a dull pain to feeling like someone has pushed a rod through my eye and it comes out behind my ear at the bottom about 2 inches back at a 10+. This will continue for 1 1/2 hour to 3 hours normally with a 30 minute break with just the migraine remaining and another one will hit. The silver lining is when I get a migraine with cluster events they usualley do not go for days. Because of this strangeness of my condition it took over 20 years for my doctor to make a diagnosis of cluster headache.

    I get HA's very much in this fashion.  Thought I was going crazy because for an hour or however long pain would be a 10, then go down to 3 and I would question was the pain really that bad, then it would go off the chart again.  Started getting Migraines at age 14 did not know what the hell has been going on the last 4 years with my HA's have went off the chart and migraine meds do nothing for them. I took tired MM 2 months ago and it stopped them.  So I am guessing i must have cluster ha's.

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