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  1. Hello, my name is scott and this is my first time on the cluster busters website. Looking for anybody to tell me that they are in the same boat and I'm not losing my mind! Roughly 8 months ago i began to get what seemed like the most intense pain behind my right eye that I had ever had. It came in waves multiple times a day and I felt as if I never left my house for about a month. After seeing multiple doctors, ENT's etc.. I finally saw a neurologist who said what I seemed to be having was cluster headaches. Ran through a ton of blood tests an MRIs and He put me on Verapamil 120 mg and maybe a month later the symptoms pretty much resolved. I was pain free for about 5 months when i noticed I was getting the sporadic headaches all in my right eye again. The only issue this time was that bearing down, laughing, coughing or any sudden movements intensified things. I had read some info just recently about something called valslava induced cluster headaches. Does anybody know what this is or has anybody hear of this? I went and saw another neurologist for a second opinion who also said sounds like cluster headaches and sometimes the bearing down issue just happens. Its been another 6 weeks and the headaches are still there, I'm having a child in less than a month and just want this to resolve... I'm at the point of trying anything.. Just wanted to know if anybody has ha this issue, sometimes it seems as f the doctors dont even know. Sorry for the lengthy post and thanks for any answers
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