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Everything posted by Popoid

  1. Hi Guys, I am starting to get optimistic now. Finally the severity of the CH symptoms has weakened noticeably. Overall, it's lasted 3 weeks. Finally, the past 3 nights in a row, I had no episodes of CH. However, the achey face feeling--the same area of head--still noticeable when I awaken in the morning, and gradually diminishes late morning. It looks like some sort of biorhythmic cycle still continues. I hope it completely goes away soon. With Batch's recommendation, I added fish oil to the daily regimen. Now taking daily: 10K D3, 240mg MgGlycinate, 2.2g fish oil (1.2g EPA, 0.5g DHA), 200ug MK-7, and a multivitamin.
  2. Batch, thanks for your comments. I bought a fresh bottle of 5K D3 pills, tossed by 2K bottle, in case the pills had lost potency (from last year). Have you ever heard of that? Also taking 240mg MgGlycinate, and 200ug MK-7 daily. I don't have fish oil on hand, but will try to eat more fish. I hate looking for fish oil pills--so many different kinds. You are the one whose advice I followed in 2016, and the CH's disappeared. I am still hopeful that they will go away this time, and soon. The Vitamin D solution does make sense, given all the facts. One thing I don't understand is why the water soluble type that you mentioned would have a quick effect. Absorption might be faster, but doesn't it have to be metabolized just like the solid pills? So it should save some hours, but not be able to act to staving off an attack? Jon, thanks for your ideas. I gave up on the sumatriptan pill--took too long to act. Even if I had an injector, I might not use it. Just worried that pumping that stuff will mess me up eventually. I moved last year from California, and don't have a neurologist nearby, but plan to. I also wish I had cannabis to try--not available where I live now. I do not know why I am sometimes nauseated, but it is a chain reaction of some sort. I might seek the O2 tank route, but could be an uphill battle, implied by some others' posts. I did try O2 once in the ER, and it didn't help. The diagnoses was done first by a ophalmologist. Up til then I had several eye exams that found nothing wrong to explain the eye pain. I have no doubts...symptoms all align with Mayo Clinic description: pain around the eye, droopy eyelid, tearing. Episodes usually at night.. By the way, I had a CH onset this morning for some reason. I was able to get some relief by getting into a hot bath after around 10 minutes. I think it was RussM wrote about putting feet into hot water. I tried that, but was shivering, so just got in. I think this will become my first line response if I am at home.
  3. Thank you, jon019. By the way, I looked at my left eyelid, where the CH always happens. It seems swollen. When the pain was happening, I think that I might have been tightening my orbicularis oculi (the facial muscle around the eye--I looked up this name from a diagram just now.) I hope that's the cause, not some new symptom. I should post my story in the right place, but I'm 44/m, and had three overall cycles. The very first in 2012, and I had no idea what it was--lasted a week. Then 2016, it started again. At first, doctors didn't know what it was, but one finally did. At first I was prescribed sumatriptan and ondanestron, and soon after that verapamil. The CH's kept going, even 2 weeks into the verapamil. Around that time I discovered this website, and read some posts by Batch about high dose Vitamin D. I went ahead and took some, and I noticed a few days later that the CH were less intense each time. Wonderful when it finally stopped. I took around 5K IUs per day after that until last year, I was monitoring my blood levels, and they kept creeping higher, 67ng/ml up from 53 soon after I started taking that dose. I reduced the dose to 2K/day. (Probably a big mistake). I thought it was sufficient, but in retrospect it probably wasn't. The nemesis from the past started last week after 2+ year break. Needless to say, after it was clearly happening, I started popping more vitamins. The past three days, I took at least 10K/day. I hope the VitD was the reason it ceased last time, so it should work again. I'm kind of skinny, so maybe I can't store much. Sumatriptan: is the generic 50mg pill. When the pain starts, I look at the clock, and hope it starts working, but it seems to take forever, and sometimes doesn't help at all. It's best to take with empty or partially filled stomach, I think. I am concerned about side effects, so I really don't want to take this. Threw up a couple times last week, and took ondanestron, and seemed to prevent it. As you might know, it causes bad constipation, so I decided to forgo that one, and roll the dice with the chance of vomiting. I didn't try any other type of preventatives. I read someone's post about trying a hot water foot soak, and another thing about cannabis. If I feel the onset of an attack tonight, I will try to soak my feet in very hot water.
  4. I am about a week into CH events, and almost all have been once a day, starting around the same time each night. The CH usually lasts a few hours, and I've tried sumatriptan with mixed results. Anyway, the past couple days, my face has ached in the daytime, and this is when the CH is not occurring. Has anyone experienced this heavy and achey feeling? I wonder if it is because muscles were too tense during the CH event, maybe they are worn out.
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