I'll start by saying my name is Josh (28 year old male) and I am in suspicion that I have eposodic CH. I am not on any kind of meds and have not been diagnosed by a GP but from the symptoms, I believe it's Cluster Headaches.
It all started last year around the same time as this year. I would wake around 2am with a spliting headache that seemed was coming from my sinus, or behind my eye, the back side of my teeth. At that point I would take an antihistamine with the hopes it would go away. Usually after 60-90 minutes the pain would subside and I would be able to go to sleep again. This occured on and off for the months of May/June around the same time every night. During that time I didn't think much about it. I had some dental work done prior to that and was chalking it up to possible cavities/allergies.
Then comes last Wednesday (occurring in may around 2:00am) Boom it hits me. I'll say I have a high pain tolerance, I like with a broken bone in my wrist, I have horrible joints but yet i still get around daily without much medication sans a 800mg Ibuprofen. These headaches like I have read, really make you question whether you want to be here anymore. I mainly can feel it come on slowly through my back/top/left molars and 10 mins later I'm rocking back and forth, left eye streaming and nostril closed up. Nothing ever seems to help. One headache came again tonight. After I had a beer or two after spending the night with my parents. It slowly came on and then there I was again rocking back and forth on my bed after retreating to my room in the darkness.
I guess I just wanted to share my story, I know some people have it worse than me but the pattern of headaches is what lead me here and what made me think it wasn't just sinus problems. I didn't know if maybe I should expect things to get worse or if they will kind of stay episodic like thay have been the past year or two. Safe to say the pain has receded for the most part.
thanks for any help