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NeuroTrooper88 last won the day on May 14 2020

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    Milwaukee Wisconsin

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  1. This is something I've been kicking around for years while in cycle trying to tame the beast. Whenever a cycle would start these words would pop into my mind "time to dance with death" as each experience truly felt like a tango with my mortality. Can I get through this? Can I take the pain? Can I make people understand this craziness that is my life? Do I even want to go on? Wrapped in the deep embrace of unimaginable pain, I'd waltz through the agony. With every searing neuronal shock, I'd spin. My screams where the music as the tears flowed. I'd dance with death to the drumming of my racing heart and the explosive pain in my brain. Stuck in this box step 123-123-123 repeating to myself "release me....release me". Just as the ordeal felt like it would swoop me away leaving a lifeless body, setting me free from this curse forevermore with the extinguishing of my heart...the dance was done. Left as a shell of who I was, battered beyond repair, a scared quivering woman who's life was run by fear and the anticipation of the next attack. Death had released me from our waltz but not for long as we all well know, it will be back to consume us again. It's that time of year folks, my cycle has started and with it, has brought my life to a screeching hault. The thought of losing everything and the constant rebuilding is daunting to say the least. It's been a week since the beast has arrived, leaving me homebound and struggling to explain my condition to my new employer and loved ones. I feel a creative outlet would help so I've thought of writing about my experiences (the good, the bad and the downright ugly) to help release some of the emotional burden this condition causes. I wish you all a beautiful pain-free day.
  2. I also had the same issue but it subsided when the attack was tamed by the oxygen. The mask really makes a difference though. Take care and feel better soon!
  3. Good afternoon! I've been a cluster headache patient for 8 years and as I'm sure you all know it's detrimental to any goals or dreams you might want to some days fulfill. I'm just throwing a beacon out there to any fellow Wisconsinites to please send me a message!
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