This is the mask we bought for him:
I will ask him to look into welding oxygen. The last he looked into getting an Rx for oxygen, our insurance wouldn't cover any of it, and it was over $100 per canister. I will also reach out to Batch and get his thoughts on being too high in D3. My husband's sister is a nurse, and she told him it would be about impossible to do any sort of damage to himself on the D3 regiment, but his doctor was pretty adamant that he cut down on the D3. If he can get to where he's been off Sumatriptan for 5 days, I'll have him try the MM again. I think he tried them twice over a several week time period. But does Verapamil block the MM? And we just had a new pharmacy built in the next town over that will carry vials and syringes for him to get the Sumatriptan at a cheaper price and lower dose. We hadn't had any luck getting one of the big chain pharmacies to do that previously. He sees his primary care doc again on Wednesday, so he can get a new script for it to send off to the new pharmacy.
Thank you for your advice and words of encouragement. My husband isn't techy, so I'm trying to research and get as much info for him as I can. I sure wish someone would come up with a cure for this!!