I get them first thing in the morning usually for only half an hour right after I wake up, I can feel it coming, then at around 9:30pm gthe night time ones are usually much more intense and last around 3 hours,) I sometimes get a third one a couple hours after I fall asleep at around 1 or 2 in the morning. The pain is only on the right side of my head, mostly behind my eye and in my forehead (right side only,) and radiates up from my neck. I can't explain the pain, my right eye waters during the worst part of it, and my right nostril gets clogged during the episode, then is clear after it passes. I try massaging my neck and hot showers and baths but nothing seems to help. Anyone who tries to help me I end up snapping on them, and then feeling terrible after but can't help it because I'm in so much pain. I can't lay dawn, I usually sit up and rock back and forth. I feel so hopeless and worry about when then next one will come, my mom doesn't understand what I am going through and thinks I'm crazy when I tell her they are so bad I've had suicidal thoughts or want to stab myself in the head with a pin to help release the pressure or, I don't know. But when I'm in it I can't help these thoughts, I know it sounds stupid but it's the truth. Thanks for listening, and responding. They are usually an hour of intense pain and then a dull pain, that stays until I fall asleep or sometimes all day just waiting for the next round to come.