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  1. Hello all, I am a 26yo female, 10+ year episodic cluster headache sufferer. With this new cluster starting early in the week I have started getting about 3 clusters a night and I’m struggling so bad! They are worse than they have ever been. I use welding oxygen which I am now critically low on supply till Tuesday when I can get it refilled, I have 2 doses left of Naratriptan (Amerge) and that’s it. I don’t know what to do to treat this, I just got kicked off my parents insurance a couple weeks ago so no coverage. I will try anything to help the pain! The oxygen had been working very well for me but now it seems to work great for the first cluster of the night but does nothing for any after that so I don’t even know why that’s happening. I’m happy to go out and buy anything that might help me get thru this, I’ll call my PCP on Monday to see if he can give me something more, any suggestions? I’m basically at my max for the month on the triptans so it needs to be something else. Any sugestions you have are are greatly appreciated! I know I’m not alone in this but it sure feels like it, no one I know truly understands what it’s like and how desperate I am for any help.
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