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Everything posted by ZSager

  1. Came to say yes--if you are on (or fentanyl), an SSRI and other serotonergic meds, don't use any psychedelic that is serotonergic. Psilocybin, LSD are a no go--mdma to lesser degree.
  2. Thanks Dallas, I'll look up Reliable Respiratory as they arent too far from me. I'm not on facebook otherwise I would take a look at the group. Saw the recommendation elsewhere on this site for Dr. McGeeney, my PCP has been writing my oxygen rx but having a specialist would be a good idea. Thanks again, z
  3. Hi folks: Person here with episodic clusters. Moved to Boston about a year and a half ago and my previous oxygen supplier was a lot easier to deal with and get tanks swapped quickly during a cluster burst. Having a bit of a harder time here in Boston finding a reliable oxygen supply company. Anyone have any suggestions in the Boston Area? Closer to the city would be great in case they cant deliver, I can always stop by and pick up some tanks. Thanks!
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