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  1. I only just found out my uncle used to get clusters as well as my grandfather my grandfather has passed but my uncle had told me he had clusters on the same side as is deviated septum trying to take a pole. if u know u have a deviated septum on same side as clusters. My uncle said he got it fixed and has not had a attack since it has been 13 years since his last attack he had deviated septum on left and clusters on left I have deviated septum on right and clusters on right.
  2. Hi I have been suffering from ch for about 7 yrs I’m 37 now I was free of ch’s for 2 yrs now about 2-1/2 to 3 weeks ago boom getting hit hard pain is much worse then it ever was I quickly use imatrex when at work o2 when home. What is the d3 regimen. Would like to try it
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