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Everything posted by Clusterwife06

  1. Pain is constant during an episode but not during the entire 12 week period pain is severe during a CH itself though in fact its getting frighteningly worse, he does get shadow headaches in-between the CH's during the 12 weeks but he doesn't have headaches of any kind for the rest of the year until the seasons flip again. Thx for the input pebbles and CHfather much appreciated.
  2. Update... day 23 of cluster he went Most of Friday all of Saturday and almost Day Easter Sunday, (pm Easter Sunday he had the worst CH he has ever had i have never seen him not be able to control himself he was in so much pain, even aside form these SOB's he has many other painful things happen to him so his threshold is high. I thought he was dying right along with him. I wonder if it was the valium or maybe so intense because he is on such high doses of the methypre. I waiting right now for the Dr. office to open I am praying she has good news about the O2 its been a week. I am so worried the next one will be that bad is there anytime I should take him to a hospital during?
  3. Just wanted to offer an update, still no oxygen, paperwork nonsense of some sort but I do have good news, we spent 6 hours in the ER on Friday he was given methylprednisolone dosepak and Valium 5 mg 3x a day and he has not had an attack as of yet and no shadows. I will update in a few days if the meds are still working. What meds work and don't is for sure a crap shoot except for sumatriptan it always works, but causes heart issues for my husband he during a 2 month cluster had between 3 and 5 attacks a day, you reach for what works no matter the crappy side effects. Also caffeine is helpful mostly with shadow headaches though not really with the big monsters so we cut that out, losing sleep was not helping his ability to keep in the good fight.. Best of luck to you all and keep fighting don't give up.
  4. Okay I will follow those instructions. Ty
  5. I apologize in advance if I don't follow proper etiquette this is the only forum I have ever joined. My husband suffers from CH I read on this page 4 years ago about "busting" I am so happy to say after that cluster he did and had no clusters until 8 days ago they have returned. I remember the doctor he was seeing had him on cardia and amitriptyline but I am seeing verapamil here as well and now I'm unsure if memory serves me the verapamil made them worse so he switched to the amitryptàmine have any of you heard of this? We live dual no specialists and now they will not give us the imitrex injections anymore only the pills and they are less then helpful. Please any advise on cluster stopping meds, or pain relieving remedies. Thank you.
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