Just wanted to offer an update, still no oxygen, paperwork nonsense of some sort but I do have good news, we spent 6 hours in the ER on Friday he was given methylprednisolone dosepak and Valium 5 mg 3x a day and he has not had an attack as of yet and no shadows. I will update in a few days if the meds are still working. What meds work and don't is for sure a crap shoot except for sumatriptan it always works, but causes heart issues for my husband he during a 2 month cluster had between 3 and 5 attacks a day, you reach for what works no matter the crappy side effects. Also caffeine is helpful mostly with shadow headaches though not really with the big monsters so we cut that out, losing sleep was not helping his ability to keep in the good fight.. Best of luck to you all and keep fighting don't give up.