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John T

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  1. Hi all I am working on correcting some of the grammar issues. Sorry for any sloppiness. I was in hurry not to lose my train of thoughts so I wanted to make sure I just kept writing free flowingly John
  2. I hope as many people see this as possible please share it with everyone that is affected and hasn’t tried this method. I have had episodic cluster headaches since I was 18 years old, I would typically get them in the late spring/ early summer until late fall, they are one of the worst things you can imagine, h with more treatment and education on the topic I have shorted the duration and severity of the cluster headaches each year. Last year was a breakthrough when I started trying the ketogenic diet in the summer. I was dealing with the usual crap with getting them in the summer and they were killing me, I would take red bulls to help but they would only work so much. I was also a little overweight at the time of the pandemic and my diet was terrible, I started doing something called the keto diet which is a diet that limits your carbohydrate intake, probably within the first week or so they started to fade and then go away completely! I had completely started that by accident with the only intention of weight loss and wasn’t until I realized later that I heard some other people have had success too. I had not had any headaches that summer starting in July and forward which was the first time in four to five years. I recommend people give this a try if they haven't already. Now this year, however, I wanted to take my fitness game to the next level. I learn to lose weight/ fat you need to eat a caloric deficit. Meaning you eat less calories than you burn. For example, there are thee ways to manage your weight gain weight, maintain the current weight y at or lose weight. A caloric surplus is when you take in more calories than you burn. A caloric maintenance is when you take in the number of calories that will keep you at your current weight and a caloric deficit is when you take in less calories than your bodies burn. You can find your caloric surplus maintenance and deficit by going online to and putting information about your age height weight and how much executes you do per week. That information you enter will then generate an estimate of what your caloric surplus, maintenance, and deficit will be. For example, based on my height age weight and how much time I exercise per week my caloric surplus is anything above 2700 calories my maintenance is 2700 calories and my deficit is anything less. I will put a link below so anyone that wants to find out what their surplus, maintenance, and deficits are can find out. Now I started eating a caloric deficit this year because I wanted to shed fat and get in much shape as possible I started this process back in mid-April and I started seeing results instantly, I have never seen so much progress before, I finally found a method that was working for me. Not only that since I’ve been on a deficit the majority of the time minus occasional weekends and holidays. I noticed that I haven’t had a single cluster headache yet! It’s now almost August and I still haven’t had a cluster beaches: which is amazing to me because I would always get them starting in the spring. I wonder If anyone has tried this or heard of this. If you haven’t please do! I wonder like the keto diet with limitations on carbs our bodies uses a different fuel source to create or metabolize energy like a deficit or so forth. If that makes sense. I hope people that haven’t tried or heard of this see this. Please share! If and contact me with any questions or comments I will leave my email below. If I could make a difference with this post and help people with this information. It would mean the world to me, I just want to help people never to have to experience this stuff again because I know how bad and life altering cluster headaches are. Thank you so much for your time jdt20182@gmail.com https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html
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