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  1. So, everything I have read or been told is that clusters don't cause physical damage but I'm beginning to wonder. This last cycle was by far the worst I have every experienced. During my cycles in addition to my headaches I have constant shadows, ringing ears, neck and jaw popping but that has always subsided in the past. I am going on 2 weeks with NO headaches. but I am having twinges of nerve pain in the spots where my clusters attack. I am also having the popping in my neck and jaw just not as bad as when I'm in cycle. I almost feel as if my nerves are damaged. I know that MS damages the Myelin could clusters over time as well? Also, do we know that vessels don't get damaged? Has anyone had residual symptoms after a cycle?
  2. Hi All, been on the website for a longtime and finally decided to become a member. I have had episodic clusters for 16 years. My normal cycle up until this year has been every other year during the summer and lasting 6 weeks. I had been in a 3 year remission until this summer then the beast returned. It has been a rough cycle more hits than previous cycles and much longer in weeks. When my cycle didn't end after 6 weeks I just thought with such a long break maybe I would have a longer cycle. Then in week 7 I started to experience an all over headache that last all day and night. It was your standard annoying throbbing headache. I had the headache for 2 days but no clusters so I was irritated but still pleased. I decided if the overall headache lasted more than 3 days I would make an appointment with my Doc. Well, on the third day I woke with a periodontal abscess on the opposite of my cluster side. That day I started taking Augmentin/Clavulanate 2x day for 10 days and my overall headache stopped with the first days dose. Over the next 10 days I continued to have my daily shadows but the shadows were lighter. I also experience only 2 clusters and I almost don't want to call them clusters they were so short and so weak I noted them as 0-1 in pain and the duration was barely 10 mins. I just assumed I was coming out of what has become my longest cycle ever. Not the case. The day after my last Antibiotic dose I had 1 cluster, then the next day 2 clusters. Well, now I'm in week 10 and still having clusters approximately every other day that seem to be ramping up. Has anyone ever had an infection mess with their cycle? or notice a cluster decrease by taking antibiotics?
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