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  1. Thank so much, will check out the link now, doesn't help that he so negative, I can understand why, hes in so much pain , I told him about the energy drinks but all I got was "i already drink them at work, it doesn't help" , but not gonna give up x
  2. Hi, my partner suffers from episodic clusters, las year we were lucky and he managed to skip a year, but they have come back this year, and earlier than normal, he can only take 2 sumitriptalin injectors aday, due to the side effects, and he does have oxygen on a regular basis, but that doesn't always seem to help, I've just had to sit and watch him go through yet another 20 min cluster only this time hes pulled the muscles in his belly. I hate having to watch him go thro all that pain, even punching himself in the leg to try n help the pain, I feel so useless I just want to cry, we are sleeping separately as well atm, is it true that energy drinks may help to relieve some of that pain, also what about accupuncher ( sorry my spellings bot that good ) do you think that help
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