And I’m back lol! As expected, my husband finished his prednisone taper on Thursday and that very evening got a headache, although not as severe as normal. Dove into this D3 for the last few days, got everything ordered and he started it last night. Since he always thinks he has side effects from everything I didn’t do the loading dose of d3 just the 10000 he’s been taking and we’ll do that thru the weekend so he can see that he’s fine, then we’ll start loading ( his anxiety has hit an all time high because of these headaches, which for me anyway might be the most annoying thing!) Talked to his neuro yesterday and she started the Verapamil. He left this morning for a quick weekend trip with his dad and our daughter so he’ll start that on Sunday when he gets back along with the full D3 loading protocol! So far he’s been gone 3 hours and has already given himself an injection and is driving everyone crazy…honestly, I think it’s pure anxiety because this is the first time he’s left the house to go anywhere except the drs. in almost 3 months. I keep telling him he’s got to learn how to manage and live with these headaches in the outside world because he can’t hide out forever, he’s got to go back to work at some point! If anyone has tips for how to help him achieve that, I’ll take em!
Thank you all so much for your help! Its comforting to know I have a community of amazing people that we can reach out to for advice and support. Wishing you all pain free days!