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  1. I hope I'm posting in the right place and not disturbing the flow in the forum but I was hoping to get some advice - any would be useful I'm American and will be travelling back to the US from France, where I currently live with my French boyfriend. He suffers from cluster headaches and as you all know, that can make travel difficult (not to mention all the added stress). In the past he has been nervous about traveling for an extended period of time as here in France oxygen, like most other services, are free. That being said, both of our healthcare information is all tied up in France (and in French). Does anyone know if there's any way at all to order an oxygen tank or two w/o any kind of insurance in the states? I'm doubtful my American status will get us anywhere and this will all be out of pocket but I'm willing to of course. Of course the other concern being they may be in limited supply shortly with covid. Any advice would be incredibly helpful - a place to start, anything. Thank you so much!
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