Hello friends. Today I had an attack right after waking up. I noticed both my nostrils were clogged. I immediately downed a Redbull and then I went on a walk. When I came back the attack was starting to escalate, usually takes 20 min to get to 10/10 pain.
I went over to my kitchen sink to was my hands off and let out one massive sneeze, followed by blowing my nose. Then all of a sudden the CH went from 8/10 to 0/10.
I don’t know if the sneeze had anything to do with aborting the attack, given I had been taking my Vit D, Claritin, and shrooms. But it seemed to somehow abort it instantly?
On the Reddit CH board, one user also mentioned that he would use forced sneezing (plugging the clear airway nostril and blowing hard) to abort some of his attacks.
I’m mid cycle (one of my worst ones to date) and this sneeze/abort felt like a miracle, given I was preparing to endure my normal 1+ hr of hell.
Just wanted to share this and see if anyone else has any similar experiences.