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Jeri Barry

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Everything posted by Jeri Barry

  1. @CHfather, thanks for the link and reference to what Batch has written about mast cells. I am just "wowed" by the amount of great information and help available with this group. I appreciate the time and effort you all put into sharing your knowledge and experiences. It makes this condition much less lonely and isolating. What a fantastic group of people!
  2. @Bejeeber, I also came across this study which revealed a genetic marker for cluster headaches. I had no idea this had been identified. While it doesn't help us abort or control our condition today, perhaps it will lead to more research that will help in the future? https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ana.26150?af=R
  3. @Bejeeber, I am just learning about EDS myself. I needed 2 hip replacements in my early 40s, have hypermobile elbows, and also have an aortic aneurysm, which indicates the vascular form of EDS. I never considered that it could be connected to Clusters. It is an indication that your body does not properly synthesize collagen and, as you said, can take on many forms. I also came across this in my research regarding the connection between cluster and mast cell activation. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1468-2982.1990.1005221.x?fbclid=IwAR3ohiL8nyoetehD3hUBeXm42XcpvOsS2VHhODpxDHeOK3jjJC8VVqwpkQM
  4. I have seen people posting about this on a cluster headache support group on Facebook. I feel this group has more experience and knowledge about clusters. Has anyone else made this connection? My docs strongly suspect I have EDS, and I have been diagnosed with mast cell activation this year. Have also had a cluster reemergence, the first since 2014, and it is brutal.
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