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  1. Wow, thanks, @CHfather! Looks very thorough so will dive into it when I get home. Definitely want to be prepared before seeing the neuro so thanks for sharing.
  2. @Dallas Denny, thanks for the input. I think I’ll request it this time, it’s been a few years since I’ve had these long attacks and whenever I’ve tried O2 before it hasn’t really done anything for the pain. However, I’ve never used as a preventative measure in the build up/onset so could well help stop the attack in its tracks. Yes, the neuro I want to book in with most does specialize in both headaches and seizures but hasn’t returned my calls when I’ve left voicemails (strange that they don’t answer their phone). I’m going to drive there on Monday to schedule in person.
  3. I’m sure it’s terrible in its own way, but I know what you mean! Lol. Woke up with an attack last night from 1:30-5:00am, got a couple of hrs sleep and then another small one from 7:30-8:30. I’ve reached out to several neurologists now so hopefully I’ll get an appointment soon. I’ll post updates as I get them.
  4. Thanks @Shaun brearley, I appreciate you sharing about the vomiting.
  5. Thanks @spiny, yeah I’m definitely going to push for an MRI because I’ve never had one for CH. Also, RE the O2, it was just nasal cannula.
  6. Thanks @Bejeeber and @BoscoPiko. Yes, had a CT and blood panel but nothing to report. The doctor and nursing staff suggested it was an anxiety attack but I’m skeptical - I’ve never suffered with anxiety before and having had CH for many years already, I’m not worried during attacks as I know they will resolve soon enough. Moreover, I don’t think I’d be capable of anxious thoughts as the pain is more or less the only thing you can think of. Overall, the doctor was quite dismissive because she said it couldn’t be a seizure if I was aware of what was happening and not a stroke or TIA because the CT was clear. I’m waiting for an appointment with a neurologist because I’m interested to see if they have any theories.
  7. Hi all - I’m new here but not new to CH. I was diagnosed 15 years ago and, as I’m sure with most of you, my headaches have evolved and I have experienced some different symptoms/presentations year on year. I had recently been enjoying some respite and hadn’t had a bad attack for about 18 months, which gave me hope that maybe I was leaving them behind me. However, last week the ceasefire was well and truly abandoned and I had one of my worst attacks ever. After about 4 hrs of writhing around on the floor and banging my head into things my wife took me to the ER because we didn’t know how to stop this one. This attack was already different to most others as I had vomited 3 times, which has only happened twice before in 15 years. I had been in the hospital bed for about 30 mins before I started to find it difficult to form sentences and I briefly lost consciousness a couple of times (though I think that was probably just from hyperventilating on the oxygen). However, soon after, I began to shake uncontrollably (not rigorously like a seizure, but significantly more than shivering). As this happened, my eyes also rolled back in my head and I couldn’t get them to come down. My hands began to spasm and contort and my right knee locked at a 15 degree angle. At this point I felt an electrical sensation all over my body - not like pins and needles but more like when you touch an electric fence but over every inch of my body. This all lasted for about 30 seconds and I was fully conscious and aware though could not speak. It took about another 30-40 minutes for the headache to subside so all in all about 5.5 hrs. Has anyone else experienced symptoms like this before? Thanks
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