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Everything posted by SusRe

  1. SusRe

    total newbie

    to be honest it could've been more than one headache or a continuous one or a headache that went away and then came back. The day I was in to see here she gave me a painkilling shot also and I was fine most of the day until evening when the pain started intensifying by evening, The OTC helps the pain and am able to function to a certain extent until it gets stronger and then basically explodes. I guess the Dr is looking at it being a cluster because i's in the in the same spot behind my left eye and the droopiness and the eye watering and no auras or light sensitivity. Can other migraines present like that? I'm just hoping to hang on until Monday and see what else she says or has something to try or can send me to someone more knowledge. Thanks you for taking the time to help.
  2. Total newbie here, just had my first cluster headache 5 days ago. At least that's what my dr "thinks" it sounds like. I did get am MRI and it came back good with only sinusitis showing . I've had cold from hell at the exact same time...could there be any correlation between having a sinus infection and the onset of the cluster? Dr prescribed rizatriptan which didn't help at all. I feel like my headaches build until they get to a certain point and then explode and are pretty continuous. My left eye is droopy and watery, only had one very short aura at the onset of the first headache and am not sensitive to light. Right now Advil Dual or Acetaminophen helps the most but of course I have to take them about every 5 hours around the clock which puts me at over double the recommended daily dosage. I have to wonder if Covid has played a factor as I had a terrible bout close to a year ago and all sorts of weird things keep happening. I hope to get in to see my primary Monday but I feel lost and would love any advice offered. Thanks so much for any insight on this hellish thing!
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