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Miilos Keen

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  1. I get these dull, slowly forming headaches (a few times a month) near the temple/eye region that form consistently due to vasodilation triggers. My doctor has done tests and they all came back normal. The headaches are slow forming, no nausea, no severe pain and not exactly a classical migraine headache. The headaches make it hard to focus and are always gradually forming. I can feel a tight feeling in my head and I know it's coming. They are always triggered my vasodilation (hot temperatures, chocolate, wine, Niacin, grapes, etc.). Sometimes however a vasodilation trigger does not cause the headache. There are so many things that cause vasodilation so its not simple to just avoid triggers. I get good rest and drink plenty of water. An interesting point to mention is that, when I take a strong vasoconstrictor such as coffee, it will eliminate the headache within 30 minutes as long as it is taken in the early parts of the headache when the pain is just starting to slowly come on. Amazingly the coffee eliminates the headache very well but I prefer to find a better solution that eliminates the root cause and not just a temporary solution that requires dependence on coffee. It feels my blood vessels around the eye susceptible or overly sensitive to vasodilating triggers. Supplements like B2 are partially successful in reducing frequency and intensity. Are there a vitamin or amino acid or herb or something else that can address the root cause?
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