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Everything posted by Cindi

  1. Cindi


    It’s me again. First time experience with CH at 65 years old. I had 4 days with no Ch and no shadows. Then night before last woke up at 4:30 am with a mild, like the start of a CH that never happened. Next night nothing. This morning I wake up at 9 am with another mild CH and have had shadows all day. Just when I thought it was over, it’s not! My anxiety and depression are sky high and I’m still 10 days from my first appt. With a neurologist. I need help, hope, words of encouragement or wisdom?? I’m a freaking mess. And what the Sam hell is going on? Is it never going to end? I’m 9 weeks into this and I’m so over it!!!!!
  2. Yes, my GP wants confirmation from a neuro. Perhaps the Neuro will be a better fit to treat me. He also thinks I may have sleep apnea and this Neuro doctor specializes in that too. I had an MRI, all was normal there. Thanks to everyone here for your help in directing me to different information to read. I surely do appreciate you!
  3. Thanks fire replying Bejeeber. I started the verapamil on January 19th so about a month ago. GP increased the dosage about 4 days ago. yes I was lucky for the quick diagnosis. I have a very sharp GP. And he said my symptoms were so classic it jumped right out at him.
  4. First ever experience with CH started in January. Diagnosed right away I’m a 65 yr. Old female. The worst seems to be over but now for last 10 nights I wake up an hour and a half after falling asleep with a much less painful and shorter headache than was before. All my headaches were nocturnal. What’s going on? Is the cycle ending or what? I’m on verapamil. Couldn’t get in to see Neuro till March 15th due to being a new patient.
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