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  1. Amazing. I’ll get in touch. Thank you. ❤️
  2. Hi funtimes, thanks for this. I’d welcome any advice to be honest. We are travelling to Nova Scotia in Canada.
  3. Hello everyone. I’m writing on behalf of my husband who is currently next to me in bed battling through another headache. We live in the uk and are travelling to Canada on Thursday. We’d hoped the clusters were on their way out but I’m nervous about arriving in Canada with no oxygen. My cousin who we are visiting works for the fire brigade and has kindly sourced us 2 small cans. Which would potentially do 1 or 2 headaches. Can anyone advise us on how to get oxygen overseas? Apparently it’s easy to source in Europe but we might have to pay for it privately in Canada. Air liquide currently supply us in the uk. My next thought was to call them directly in Canada? Any advice greatly received. xxx
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