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M-Philly last won the day on February 5 2024

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  1. @CHfather Thank you! I'll look into it! And I'll share my work as I go along. In the meantime I'll just share this purely artistic rendition I did after my last major cycle. I know it doesn't have the signature droopy eye but I wanted to convey how much pain I get behind my eye. https://www.instagram.com/p/C1tI2uBN7R4/
  2. Hi All, Hope you're all doing well! I'm looking to compile as many visual aids, charts, infographics, instructions with images, or any other graphics related to cluster headaches. I'm a senior art director who's been working in medical advertising for over 10 years now and I'd like to start transitioning into a more medical illustration role. Advertising has been wearing me down for quite some time now and I'd like to shift more towards academia and advocacy. So I want to start by redesigning existing material and getting feedback for a subject that I'm all too familiar with. I'll be doing some gathering on my own but any links you can share would be much appreciated! -Megan
  3. I got an appointment with Dr. Marmura at the Jefferson Headache Center!!
  4. Hi the doctor recommendation at Jefferson would be great. I tried getting an appointment with their headache specialists but they haven't gotten back to me because I'm not having "12 or more headaches a month". I don't think the people who do the scheduling are informed about CH. I know William Young is involved with clusterbusters from the list, I'm just trying to figure out how to get an appointment scheduled.
  5. My employer provides short-term disability insurance through a company called The Hartford. I haven't heard of a lot of employers offering this. I work for a large corporate ad agency, that isn't what I want to be doing and I don't always feel great about working there, but I get benefits like that. When I had my first cycle in 2020 I was lucky enough to work for a small agency that was very understanding. I kept them in the loop while I was getting diagnosed.
  6. Hello Fun Times! I wrote this up for my own sanity but I can share this. It's probably way too long, but please let me know if it helps:
  7. Hello! Hello! It's very nice to find a place like this. I was first diagnosed with cluster headache in 2020 when I was 32, although I have had a similar but very short attack when I was in my mid-20s, and had one-off very similar attacks in my teens. My second full cycle ever ended last October right after I recovered from COVID. After going through hell with finding a new neuro, trying to get my hands on medication, and getting short-term disability approved, I wanted to find what advocacy groups there were. I look forward to getting to know all of you.
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