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Kevin B.

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  1. CHfather, thank YOU for all the help you've given me since Jan. '24 when I first became a member. I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future. Later
  2. Thanks for replying, Shaun. Hoping it doesn't last that long! I have ordered the RC seeds and they should be coming pretty soon and soon enough will be getting back re: this method...continuing with D3 as well
  3. Don' know what her opinion is on O2 prescription but will find out when I get in to see her. But then again, maybe I can get a hold of a nurse and ask Thanks for the info on the seeds. When I do get them, I'll check back to find out how to use them.
  4. Thanks @CHfatherI have contacted that company, asked for info and waiting for response about RC seeds. They have 3 diff types. Still had questions re: D3 reg. Do you or anybody know if I should continue this even if this cycle ends? Is this a year around thing with the reduced D3 and co-factors? I'm making an appt w Doctor today about the O2. She might not be available for a while but working on it. Thanks again
  5. Hi Inno, Thanks for the response. Yes, I know about DMT, L, MM, etc. but don't think I'll ever go there. Alot of it has to do with availability and is illegal in most of the US. I'm 75 and don't have the "connections" anymore like I did back in the 60s-80s Thanks again brother.
  6. Hello people. this is Kevin B. formerly Kevin Broderick. Lots of problems and questions on my part. Into my 11th week of episodic CH. This is almost twice as long as any cycle I've had before although the attacks have diminished somewhat in intensity. The following is an update on some of the things I have tried and questions about other possibles. I had bought the syringes and vials in order to try and split the dosages of injectable Sumatriptan. It does not work for me... after trying to inject the triptan liquid into a vial, pressing hard with the triptan pen against the top of the vial did not work. I got nothing. When pressed against my skin, of course, it worked just fine. I don't know why that is. makes no sense. Also tried cutting another injector that was used. It took me about 30 minutes of cutting to finally get through, then there was another layer of plastic sheathing protecting the "precious medicine"!!! I gave up on that method also. I have not used the injection since... Secondly, I completed the D3, 12-day loading with all cofactors two days ago with no definitive results other than the continued diminished number of attacks on some days and no 9 or 10s... mostly 3-5s and lots of shadows. At that point, I re-read the article that Batch has out there. From what I understand, if one does not see some results you can continue with the loading for another period of time which I am doing--on my 14th day so far. If this is not correct, please let me know. I'm doing all this pre blood testing. That will come later. I'm not worried about that at this point. Going the O2 route. I might be wrong but from what I understand, I would need to get the large M cylinder. If not, correct me. I also wanted to know how long or approximately how many CH attacks would one of those last. How much does it cost? I live in the Atlanta area on the East Coast of U.S. Anyone have approximate numbers? My last question: Can episodic CH become chronic because this doesn't seem like it's ever gonna stop! Just getting over a CH wakeup call at 5 AM. about a 4/10 but more than enough. My problem is once I'm up, that's it for the rest of the day into the night, I've been a walking zombie for a couple months. Thanks for listening to my rant. I really care about all the folks out there with CH. Sending my best to you Kevin B,
  7. Hey CHfather and Jon...I ordered the 2ml vials because the other sizes had the self-healing tops which I didn't want, wanted the screw off tops. I also ordered the 1ml 31 ga syringes...will both come tomorrow also, I won't try to get the O2, I will get it one way or another!! So tired of this, it's wrecking my life. I started the D3 reg tonight. Thank you both for everything! I will keep you informed. Take Care.
  8. jon19 did say that. I checked. I just need to get vials and syringes. What do the vials look like and what size. order on Amazon? No problem re: calcium/PTH. I'll just have to include that with the other. Things are clearer to me especially since googled the test and it was explained to me clearly. As far as the O2 goes, that is still something I will look into in earnest over the Spring and Summer. If this cycle goes away as it should, it won't occur again until the Fall/Winter comes around. I get 2 cycles a year, historically anyway If the D3 really works, maybe it won't be necessary. I can only hope because this is destroying my quality of life to put it mildly. As always, thanks!
  9. So, for the D3 regimen, what you're saying is that the testing is for the D3 and not necessarily the co-factors? If so, that makes it easier for my not so nimble brain to understand. That's a good thing. As far the injections go, I'm trying not to use them unless it's a 9 or 10. I did go out and buy a PVC pipe cutter for 18 bucks and it doesn't cut the injector, it just kinda crushes it which is worthless. I don't know what kind of cutter that the YouTube guy bought but mine is not it. But you are saying that if I get the vials, I can just hit the blue button and inject into the vial and not my skin and it will work? That I could do. I was just afraid to do anything that might waste the med. Thanks for your time CHbro. Very much
  10. BTW, I do know about the problems re: triptans and how they can extend cycles and frequency of attacks but if I have a 5 or above, I'm not going to deal with that. Just can't.
  11. This is Kevin again at 2:30 AM EST. Having my now nightly attack between 2:30 and 530 in the morning. Been getting usually 2-3 every 24 hour period especially the last 2 weeks. Just before that I thought my CH was on the wane because started to get them about once every 36 -40 hours which was a huge relief at the time. Then it got worse again. Big disappointment...never had a cycle this long before. Let me just say I'm an active 75-year-old and didn't start CHs until I was 68 or 69 years...only 5 or 6 years ago and only diagnosed in Jan '24 I've been taking triptans and 5 hour energy drinks extra strength which usually shorten the duration to 15-30 min. I take the pills, nasal and the injectable...one of those depending on the severity of the attack I know about the O2 of course but thought I'd wait until the Spring and summer to really get into that...as well MM but will not get into that unless I knew someone that I could procure from. Having said all that, I finally got all of the "ingredients" of the D3 regimen as talked about by Batch "or XXX" in his vids and writings. I've also checked out all of the various links sent to me by the kind people at Clusterbusters. My big question is about the blood tests suggested or needed if going on the D3 method. I have been completely spaced out because of only 2-3 hours sleep a day and pain and absolutely do not understand the graphs or the medical terminology spoken about these tests. I would really appreciate some simplified or in laymen's terms how it works. The other problem is imagining how in the hell I'm going to explain this whole deal to my Primary...don't have a printer so can't, at this time, print out the Lit. Really so tired and worried at this time about this turning into Chronic CH. Seems never-ending. Thanks so much for any simplified instructions. Everyone here is so kind, take care you guys. Later
  12. Sorry about my previous post. I had just gotten over an attack and just tired. I didn't mention that I got the triptan injectable recently and it gets rid of them in about 3 or 4 minutes. That's a miracle for me but I think that most people know that you can't take that stuff all the time. Anyway. that's it for now
  13. I exercise every day by walking for an hour or 3 miles, very vigorous. lots o' hills. It does not bring on CHs for me but I'll still get them anyway a few hours later. Walking does help me in every other way. I might have mentioned that I am 75 and important that I get that in. The walk. I'm in the middle of my twice-yearly CH episode and it's been a mother...usually only once a day but this one is 2-3 times a day at different hours than usual. As you all probably feel, my life turns upside down. This one started a week before Thanksgiving and will def go beyond New Year's. Just great. 1st time at this time of year. I've only been using the triptans, D3, high doses of caffeine, etc. Since I have episodic, getting O2 seems like it would be hard for me to get. Ya know, finding a place to get the tanks, getting it up to my Apt... doing all that would be difficult for me, the logistics and all. I wish I could just call somebody up and have it delivered. Yeah right! As well, I can't have any weed because that DOES bring on an attack for me. So, fun times. Sorry I don't have any words of wisdom to contribute...just doing my usual griping. Sometimes that helps me, though. Happy freaking Holidays everyone. No, sincerely.
  14. I'm getting slammed for the second time today and that is unusual. Took a pill and did some very deep breathing. Earlier today did this and it really helped but right now, not working... was talking to a good friend and it started to hit me again....just don't know. My brother is sending me some O2 equipment and just wish it was here right now but just saw your post and decided to ramble on about my problems. Happy holidays and merry freaking Christmas...whatever. No joke take care.
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