I exercise every day by walking for an hour or 3 miles, very vigorous. lots o' hills. It does not bring on CHs for me but I'll still get them anyway a few hours later. Walking does help me in every other way. I might have mentioned that I am 75 and important that I get that in. The walk.
I'm in the middle of my twice-yearly CH episode and it's been a mother...usually only once a day but this one is 2-3 times a day at different hours than usual. As you all probably feel, my life turns upside down. This one started a week before Thanksgiving and will def go beyond New Year's. Just great. 1st time at this time of year.
I've only been using the triptans, D3, high doses of caffeine, etc. Since I have episodic, getting O2 seems like it would be hard for me to get. Ya know, finding a place to get the tanks, getting it up to my Apt... doing all that would be difficult for me, the logistics and all. I wish I could just call somebody up and have it delivered. Yeah right!
As well, I can't have any weed because that DOES bring on an attack for me. So, fun times.
Sorry I don't have any words of wisdom to contribute...just doing my usual griping. Sometimes that helps me, though. Happy freaking Holidays everyone. No, sincerely.