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  1. MountainAire Medical Supply in Grand Junction, Colorado, came through for me. Unfortunately the mask provided was a joke, so I've ordered the mask system that is available on this site. First night I needed to use oxygen and even with the funky mask, it worked wonderfully to abort the headache! Yay! After seeing the tanks, regulator and mask, I have no idea why the other places were giving me the runaround. One place literally said the regulators were hard to come by so they were saving them for hospice patients. Doesn't make sense. It might be because I wanted to self-pay because we're out of network for my insurance. We've found with other medical procedures that entities get a lot more $$ from insurance then if a patient self-pays.
  2. Yes, I do have a Rx. The first oxygen provider from Blanding, Utah, brought an air concentrator to the house with a canula and said they couldn't provide up to 10 liters flow/minute. They kept treating me like a patient with lung issues. What a disappointing experience. I spoke to others on the phone who said they were unable to go up to the 10 liters per minute I needed, and when they did have the supplies they reserved them for hospice patients (LinCare and Alpine Air in Price, Utah). But, I just got off the phone with MountainAire Medical Supply in Grand Junction, Colorado, and I think they're going to set me up. When I called, the lady on the phone knew immediately what I needed; how refreshing! They have the regulator to rent but also suggested buying my own to save money. Now I'm waiting for my neurologist to send them the Rx. Fingers crossed!
  3. I live in rural Southeast Utah and am having difficulty finding an oxygen provider that will provide oxygen/regulator with the proper flow rate. I am willing to travel anywhere in Utah/Western Colorado to obtain the oxygen on my own, and am also willing to self-pay. For those in my region, who do you work with?
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