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Everything posted by adamda

  1. Yes indeed we realize the floating test only is an indicator, and not something to really rely on! Moreoever the way of doing the test can mislead someone, as you say 1EYEcries and Salander. Another very good indicator to test the seeds is to actually crush them. If they are empty, it means they are probabaly not very good. If they do have pulp inside, it means they are probably good. This is why the floaters test is nice, because if the seeds are empty, they will float! However, the best way to test these seeds is to actually use them! And we do test all our seeds that comes on stock to make sure they are of great quality. :-) That said, our last batch which was of nice quality had about 25% floaters in it. We checked the floaters after browsing this forum. And we were quite happy to find only 5% floaters in the batch we just received, which is indeed of great great quality! :-) So we are very happy to share this information and seeds with you guys! :-) Enjoy ! www.TrancePlants.net
  2. NEWS APRIL 17th 2012 FRESH OLOLIUQUI + TWO NEW PRODUCTS ON STOCK! We are excited to announce that we just received a super fresh and high quality Ololiuqui seeds batch! - Rivea Corymbosa; Ololiuqui We were quite amazed to find only 5% of floaters in this outstanding new batch! We are still offering the 25% rebate for users of this forum! ENJOYÂ We are deeply happy to now offer these two new great herbs! - Leonotis Leonurus; Wild Dagga Flowers powder - Leonotis Leonurus; Wild Dagga Foliage powder Enjoy the spring! http://www.TrancePlants.net
  3. Hi all! Adam here from TrancePlants! I hope you are all doing great great great! Since 2011 we have been supplying RC seeds and HBWR to many people on this forum, and many used our 15% coupon code we offered for the forum. :-) Thanks so much to you all, and i must say that most of our customer were very pleased by the seeds and service we offer. We are genuine passionates of shamanic herbs and incenses and we love to offer the highest quality of service and plants! :-) That said, we heard a few customers on this forum were not 100% satisfied of our RC seeds, and so we decided to test them again. We read about the floating technique, which we weren't aware of, and we think this technique makes much sense; When we think about it, what depletes the potency and quality of all dried herbs are light, air and heat. That said, we always keep our products in the fresh, dark and airtight. However, we noticed that due to the nature of RC seeds, some seeds have small holes in it. This is normal, and it's near to impossible to get batches of Rivea Corymbosa seeds with no holes in it; this is due to the nature of the seeds. So if there is a hole in a seed, there is necessarily air in it, oxidizing and depleting potency of this seed. These seeds are the seeds floating, since there is air into it. That said, we tested our seeds again many times during the last week, and they have proven to be very effective without a doubt. We also did the floating technique, and at our surprise, there were about 25% of floating seeds! We would have expected a lower ratio, since when we tested the seeds and the potency was very good. So we removed the 25% floating seeds and the quality of the seeds was even better!! Thanks for sharing this floating technique with us. :-) That said, even though our current batch has about 25% floating seeds, even when not removing the seeds, they proved to be of a high quality, and when removing the floating seeds, they proved to be of a very high quality! We are presently inquiring with another harvester to compare his seeds to ours and see if we can offer seeds with a lower floating ratio. For now, we are offering a 25% rebate on our RC Seeds, HBWR Seeds and Morning Glory Seeds for users of this forum!! This amazing rebate will compensate for the 25% floating seeds found in our RC seeds. We will test every new batch of RC seeds coming in our stock, and we'll change the rebate according to the ratio of floating seeds found. ;D To get the rebate, please write me a private message and i'll add you to the Cluster Buster group on our website and you'll automatically get the rebate when buying the seeds on tranceplants.net. Thanks for your great support Don't hesitate to give feedback !
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