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Captain Chaos

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  1. Hi David Thanks for this. I'll give it go when the seeds turn up......... So far all I've found are things that make it worse! I've just stocked up with O2 so I'm good to go! Cheers Peter
  2. Greetings People. I suffer from chronic CH's. I get 4-6 hits a day all around the K4-5 mark at it's lowest going up to K7-9 when the cycle reaches its peak. I'm desperate to try and break the cycle and send the beast on a holiday even if it's for a few days! I'm really interested in giving the RC seeds a whirl. I've found out where to get them, but what the hell do I do with them once I've got them? How many seeds is a good starting point? At the moment all I've found are things that pokes the beast and makes it worse. Any suggestions/recipes will be gratefully accepted. TIA Captain Chaos.
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