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  1. Just confirmed NatGeo, Nov. 7 at 7P Eastern on DirecTv guide. Heard of this from an old friend who called and said how his heart went out when he "saw" what I (we) go through. As a nearly daily since '97, I sure hope there can be some trickle down of this my way. (Thanks for the site.)
  2. Just watched the video of Chuck's cluster. Made my eyes tear up a touch seeing someone else go through what I experience virtually every day/night (since 1997). Kinda weird seeing someone clutch at their rebreather bag and adjust it just as I have done, oh, so many times. I've learned what a high pain tolerance I have and how to cope with life way better than I ever thought I could because of them, but they still kick my arse and I still wish I never had to suck on the O2 pipe ever again! Wish I was back in my rock-n-roll days and still had connections. The psychotropics are about the only thing I haven't had a go with. God bless those of you who've found relief and, even more, those of you who haven't.
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