Hey Folks,
Last night was terrible, I was hitting the oxygen like there was no tomorrow, indomethacin, vit d, 5 hour energy shot... nothing was helping, I tried to convince my fiance to hit the left side of my head with a hammer, instead of that she forced me to go to the ER-- the ER Doc did another scan, gave me some more oxygen and a shot of morphine, the morphine didn't really help, just made me really sleepy which I was happy for that.
Today I went to my Doc, he wanted to prescribe me oxycodone, I told him NO, which shocked him as most peolple go to him to get PAIN KILLERS to just get high. I explained to him they don't work, only thing they do is constipate me and mess my stomach up. I decided to try and talk to him about the "Busting" method...
That did not go well, he told me, "I've never heard of such nonsense".
I was hoping he would be open minded, figured he would know I'm not seeking a "high" as I turned down the oxycodone. He ended up prescribing me esgic-plus.
Sorry 4 the long post, just wanted to vent to people who know how FUBAR clusters are, most people around me don't understand and try to compare them to migraines, Migraines do not make want to dig my eyeball out and jam a fork in the socket. It just seems the Docs, when they hear the word pain, they just wanna shove pain killers down my throat and call it a day. The few people I've tried to talk to about "Busting" just look down on me and think I'm trying to get a high, but hell, I don't even drink liquor.
I just feel lost and alone most of the time. Once again, sorry 4 the long post, just venting to people who understand.