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  1. cwick925


    Hi everyone, I just found the site today, Im 28 and have been dealing with clusters since my early teens.. I learned about mushrooms after years of dealing with misdiagnosing drs and the fear of migraines.. Shrooms have worked pretty well for me since i began them last year ( only taken them twice ), I have been getting small clusters the past cpl weeks and just dealt with them cause i was dreading tripping but last night i got a horrid one that lasted 3+ hours and resulted in my throwing up numerous times and wishing i was dead.. I have two grams of shrooms left and as i said i really really dont want to trip again.. What dosage would you guys suggest? I mixxed 1g up in some applesauce and am eating as i type, Should 1g be ok or should i eat both grams? Any help would be greatly appreciated.. Sooner the better Cwick
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