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Everything posted by david

  1. i have a oxygen tank that gets up to 15 the machine onky gets to 5 but is helps me sleep sometimes and i use it for kip 3-5 i have a non-rebreather mask got from usa in the mail its much better then what i use to have but dosent work good on the machine only works on the tank its a problem getting not legal drugs here in the post they check every letter and packige that comes from over the sea israel is very strict about drug policy here because of the army im still looking hope to find by the end of the week anyway thank all for your help
  2. yes i have an oxygen tank and an oxygen machin it took me 5 years to get it ..it was a long fight with doctors and goverment cause they give it only to people who are very sick..but yes at the end i got it and it helps but not if i have a kip 8-10.. then i use imiterx injections sorry for my speeling :-[ i live in israel the imitrex helps but after a cycle and useing it 2-3 times a day i get rebound headaches and it hurts even more and when my cycle is over my body is sore for a week and i cant move or do things normaly also take to prevent prednisone and verapamil it dosent really help to prevent and it also makes my body sore thats why i want to try lsd but cant find any it is not legal here as it is not legal anywhere else im still looking and asking all my druggy friends but like i said only hash and cocain is really eazy to get so im praying that ill find it this week..
  3. im new to this site but have had ch since i was 15 the doctors only gave it a name when i was 23 im now 35 i remember i saw on one ch site a list of food i must avoid but cant remember the list and cant find it im sceard of eating things that can trigger my ch also sceard of sleeping i fell like im on elm street :-? i know that every case is diffrent and everyone has difrent triggers i try to avoid them all i cant stand the pain :'( iv been looking for lsd or mushrooms cause iv heard it can help me but i live in israel and all we have here is hash.. cocain..and extazy..and thats no good hash is a trigger for me and the rest i haven tryed and try to avoid drugs but now after trying all the doctors meds leagal meds nothing really works for me so im wiling to try lsd just cant find any :-[ so until then i want to avoid every thing that can trigger my cluster... thanks for the help and support i hope that we wont have to suffer any more ever again cause i know your pain and you know mine and it far from fun or a mild headache david
  4. the beast is back my cycle started a few days ago and iv lost my list of food that i must avoid can someone please help and give me the list thanks david :'(
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