Hello everyone I'm new here i became a member last week i have not been diagnosed yet but i see a neurologist on Monday July 16 2012 and i will know more of whats going on as far as i can tell all my symptoms point to cluster H.A. all i can say is i tried prednisone in 2010 and it worked for me then the beast came back a few times off and on but nothing to see a doctor about.Over time attacks got worse in 2011 in December and it worked again.I started my latest cycle @ the end of June started prednisone on June 21 and things got worse this time no luck i am now experimenting with Vitamin -M and i think i have almost broke the cycle i am certainly going natural for a while good luck to all i no i feel i need it @ times. the beast arrived in 06 i had no idea what was going on for 4 yrs but things seem to be getting brighter now .