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Everything posted by dickwilson

  1. My wife and I (sufferer) have been to 4 previous conferences and don't plan on missing this one or any subsequent ones. What you can expect this year is the largest gathering (each year we break the record) of Cluster headache patients in one room at the same time. You can expect more love than you could imagine. You can expect to get more information on CH than you could hope for. You can expect to make more friends in 3 days than you could imagine. You can expect to get more help than you would ever have thought possible. You can expect to get more support than you would think possible. This is just the beginning of what is a very long list. I was diagnosed at age 15 with CH. I am now past my 62nd birthday. I have been both chronic and episodic. I was lucky to get a diagnosis quickly as my father was a CH patient as well. I am now over 3 years headache free!!! Hope to see you there! Dick
  2. Woohoo! Looking forward to another CB conference. This one is in our backyard. Bettye and I will be there. We will have to change some travel plans but this conference is worth whatever it takes to be there. Dick
  3. Thanks for the note. And the help! I was unable to do it online so called the hotel direct. Was told no more rooms available. Finally got them to admit they had more rooms; but only double beds. I perservered and got a king bed!!! See y'all soon, Dick n Bettye
  4. Help! I am trying to make a room reservation but the only rooms available are with 2 double beds for $119 / night. Had the same prob last year. Will any more rooms become available at the conference rate AND with a queen size or larger bed???
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