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Everything posted by donkeytaco

  1. All great info....interesting how deep everyone thinks....I've had plenty of sad times before and since then.....emotionally drained this week with all of it.....that never triggered a thing.... but the snotty, teary mess I was the other day triggered...and triggered quickly and deeply
  2. Just an update for anyone playing along at home.....RC seeds did not arrive yet.....tomorrow is day 5, but going to be travelling with family all day.....so dose#3 (~2g fungal remedy)....taken shortly after a KIP 8, 60 min hit.....dinner at mom's house sure was interesting.....
  3. donkeytaco


    Hey guys.... Previously I've used 25 mg benadryl along with 12 mg of melatonin, not too long before bedtime..... Knocks me right out.... don't forgoet to hit the bathrooom before bed...becasue you may just not be able to wake up enough for that.....
  4. Hello all.... Yesterday I had to have my longtime best pal / doggie friend put down after almost 15 years. it's a sad thing, but not positng this to garner sympathy.... I had a really good cry after I got home, and almost as soon as I stopped, I had the longest and one of the strongest CHA's yet of this cycle. Anyone else ever had crying be a HA trigger?
  5. Who would have guessed the entertainment value of two simple words put together for no other reasoon than they sounded funny together...
  6. CHF, thanks again....have some seeds on order....also some other busters in the works..... For any one worried about human nature....just come here with a question..... In today's day and age of "its-all-about-me".... it's refreshing to see such support and selflessness.... All of you, officially.....ROCK! [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]
  7. Thanks so much CHf....I am always amazed at the helpfulness in any CHA forum i've found....except for this one guy on facebook, but that's a story for another thread.... ....So mainly because the sore-head shadowed me can't pay attention long enough.....and mr sore right eye can't read long enough to make sense of it.... recommended dosages?....best suppliers?...most effective preparations?....compatibility with mushrooms, LSD?
  8. Thanks a million guys.....haven't yet procured any more fungus....(though some promising leads) ...going to try that route for 2nd dose.... DT out.....
  9. Update....dose 1 - July 2, no HA for 48 hours....only 3 short HA's since.... Next question.....say the fungal parts were not easy to come by.....would a 2nd and/or 3rd dose of um, another popular manufactured hallucinogen in paper square form suffice? i
  10. I am a long itme CHA sufferer.....I've always thought I wanted to try clusterbuster method, but never had a bird in hand so to speak.... I just started a cycle today, and have a chance to try clusterbuster'ing to break the cycle.... I've read up a bit.... but am confused....is SPUT the right way to go?....or a bigger dose all at once....followed by another one in 5 days?.... Any and all advice requested.....and as soon as possible....
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