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  1. WTF, I live in pcola. Also 22 here w/migraines!! What meds are you on??? Who's your doctor?? i thought only cluster ppl were, on here I was trying to find a similar site like this but for severe migraines. Any reference to one would be helpful. Is there PM on here?
  2. MoxieGirl: wow I am shocked. Honestly and truly your doc sounds straight up awesomely open minded. How old is she? I worked up the nerve to talk to my neuro about his knowledge of medical MJ in other states, and what he what his personal feeling of it where. But first I asked his student resident (im I forgot what their called sorry, lol) to step out of the room, bc idk how he'd feel about answering the question in front of him then I asked him to close my file and put his pen down(which he refused and said if it pertained to me he could not). and then was shocked when I asked him about the use of medical MJ as a natural alternative to treat severe migraines (not leaving anyone out, just a personal question). He said he had not done any research on the subject and that, he did not know of any being done research being done in the state of FL. Alabama is pending for medical MJ as we speak. Yep, really. But nope not,FL wasnt even heard by the courts,just waved off. How ridiculous, as a Dr. are you not suppose to attend medical convections and exhibitions to inform yourself of new forms of treatment, unconventional or not. Knowledge is power. Why should you be shocked when your patients brings something up. Rant, sorry. Glad your doc is uber cool tho.
  3. I'm trying to muster up the courage to talk to Dr. about this. I'm afraid that because of my young age (21) he will not take me seriously. My mother also comes with me on the Dr. visits and I have not told her at all about busting, or the research I have done to prepare myself while waiting for the day that I will bust for the first time. But man am I grateful that I found this site.
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